Algorithm of Solving of Problem Situation (ASPS)

  • The constant use of ARIZ-85B over the 5 years in order to solve technical problems by the very author of this work, as well as the listeners of the seminars allows to shorten the intermediate steps of part 1 of the algorithm, to detail the concept and the wording of the operating time in part 2 and on its basis to refine the steps of part 3. Also, the author things that the analysis of the resources should only be done after the Ideal Final Result is formulated and there's an opportunity of doing such analysis purposefully. The main structure of ASPS was set towards the year 1990, over the course of following years it was checked by solving of tens of problems and showed it's high adaptability to manufacture. During this time certain wording in the steps of the algorithm were refined for clarity.


Mark Meerovich Laboratory " Ukraine TRIZ-education"


(Short version of ARPS - without detail comments)





Algorithm is a tool FOR ORGANIZATION of thinking - NOT a REPLACEMENT of it!

Don't hurry. Carefully think over every STEP and write them down.



Technical system for     ...............(specify the Primary Function - PF)

               by means of  ...............(specify the Principle of Operation - PO)

               consists of    ................(enumerate the all parts of the system)


In the process of realization of the PF: .........(specify the PF),

a Harmful Effect 1 (HE1):                    .........(specify HE1) occurs.


In order to eliminate HE1:     .........(specify HE1),

Means Of Removing (MOR): .........(specify possible MOR) can be used.


But when using these MORs, new Harmful Effects 2 (HE2) occur.

...............(Specify HE2 for every MOR).



Write the scheme of the problem without professional terms:

Primary Function         (PF)


(Specify the conditions of the best for PF)

Principle of Operation  (PO)


(Specify OP)

Harmful Effect 1          (HE1)


(Specify HE1)

Mean Of Removing     (MOR)


(Specify MOR)

Harmful Effect 2          (HE2)


(Specify HE2)



Examine variants of the Technical Contradictions (TC) in their extreme states and write them down.


TC1:  MOR ð HE1** ð HE2


IF MOR:           .........(Specify MOR) enter

THEN HE1:      .........(Specify HE1) removed

BUT new HE2: .........(Specify HE2) appears

          ____     ____

TC2:  MOR ð HE2 ð HE1


IF MOR:      .........(Specify MOR) don't enter

THEN HE2: .........(Specify HE2) doesn't appear

BUT HE1:   .........( Specify HE1) remained

Step 2. Formulation of the invention problem

_____     ____     ____

MOR ð HE2 + HE1


It is necessary to find such an X-element, which

while preserving the capability of ABSENTEE MOR: .........(specify MOR)

to not create HE2: .........(specify HE2),

would also remove .........(specify HE1).

Step 3. Determine the Operation Zone (ZOP) -

- the space, where the conflict takes place


The composition of the ZOP must consist of:

- An object, which will be subjected to a harmful influence (HE1), and

- An object, which exerts the harmful influence.


Step 4. Determine Operation Time (TOP).

Operation Time - TOP, which consists of:


- The time of conflict                                                 Ò1

- The time prior to the conflict                                              Ò2

- The time of fulfillment of the Primary Function      Ò3


In a general case:

Ò = T1 + T2 + T3


Three variants are possible, depending on the relationship between the time when the conflict takes place, and the time when the Primary Function performs.


4.1 Variant "Either Ò1 or Ò3 ":

Production process (Ò2 = Ò3), which has already begun, is interrupted by the conflict.

The system "waits" for the conflict to end (Ò1) in order to resume the production process.

In this case:

Ò = T1 + T3(T2)


4.2 Variant "Both Ò1 and Ò3"

The conflict takes place simultaneously with the beginning of the production process,

being its integral part.


Ò = T1(T3)+ T2



4.3 Variant "Ò1 part of Ò3"

The conflict takes place only with definite parameters of the PF. As a rule, the system's goal is to reduce Ò1 to zero, and to prevent its occurrence.

It this case:


Ò = T3 = T1 + T2


Step 5. The Physical Contradiction on the macro-level - Macro-PhC

In ZOP .........(Specify ZOP) during ...(specify the time of a fulfillment of the PF Ò3)

should be .........(specify the physical macro-state, e.g., "be long", "be hot")

in order to perform the Primary Function PF, and

should be .........(specify the opposite physical macro-state, e.g., "be short", "be cold")

in order to prevent the Harmful Effect HE1 at the time of the conflict

      .........(specify the conflict time Ò1).

Step 6. The Physical Contradiction on the micro-level - micro-PhC

Between .........(specify contact surfaces) there must be particles of a substance, which


- ensure .........(specify physical state of the best for a fulfillment of PF) and

- ensure .........(specify opposite physical state, in which ÂE1 doesn't appear).

Step 7. Ideal Final Result - IFR

Technical system should ITSELF provide a presence of particles between .........(specify contacting surfaces), which would ensure .........(specify opposite physical states).

Step 8.

Formulate the demands on the characteristics of the particles which would ensure the conditions under which the HE1 would occur:

The particles must be.........

Step 9.

Analyze the composition of the system and figure out whether or not the system has the elements that are the required characteristics.

Step 10.

If the problem is solved move on to the part 7 of ARIZ-85B,

If the problem isn't solved, continue the analysis under part 4 of ARIZ-85B.


* Steps 1 - 2 ASPS were developed on the basis of work of V. Korolev "The First Part"-

  Steps 3 - 7 were developed on the basis of steps 2nd and 3rd parts of ARIZ-85B by G. Altshuller - comment of author (M. Meyerovich).


**Line above the abbreviation, e.g. HE1, marks it's opposite state or its absence (not-HE1) - comment of author (M. Meyerovich).

© - M. Meyerovich

Translated by Ivan Prokoshyn (Canada)

About author:

Mark Meerovich born in 1941

TRIZ Expert (20 years experience).

Master of TRIZ (qualified by Genrich Altshuller). Master of Science in Engineering.

Professor (logistics, project management) at the ChOUEHS, Odessa, Ukraine and leader of the Scientific-practical Laboratory "Ukraine TRIZ-education" (ChOUEHS, Odessa, Ukraine).

TRIZ experience: 20 years experience in problem solving management (research problem, manufactures problems, management problems etc.). Large experience in TRIZ education (more than 80 seminars). Former students: engineers, researchers, managers, children, and schoolteachers.

Area of scientific interests: Technology of forming creative thinking and "Cutting-edge pedagogic" that develops characteristic of a creative individual in students.

More than 20 publications and 3 books (on technology of developing of creative thinking).
